south- east zonal induction

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A paper presentation by Tgst (SIR) Ezeh Ernest Mbamalu PhD, MNATE, KSJI


Posted By ABDULAZEEZ ATTAHIRU { follow user } 4 years ago 9/2/2020 3:45:16 AM in Industrial { follow category }


3.3Ampleinvestment inengineering projectsand improved utilization of local content. Infrastructural development encourages economic diversification. Nigeria as adeveloping countrymust focus on improving the efficiency of utilizationof labour,capital,andtransportationinfrastructure to attract sustainable development, making labourmore mobile and flexible(Fitzgerald and Leigh, 2002).

This willenhance the creation ofjobs wherepeople can maximizetheir potentialswhile reducing search costs for companies toaccess a wider labourmarket. Coherently, investing in engineering projectsiscrucial in creating the conditions necessary to achievelong-run Technological advancement,in Nigeria.

Through improved investmentin infrastructures, such as transportation, green energy,communication, wastemanagement, water supply and sanitation as well as electricity, agricultureand digital infrastructure,Nigeriacan raise herproductivity and enhance other economic variables(Feldman et al., 2014).

Additionally,havinga well-developedtransport and communications infrastructure driven by homegrown Technology will enhance the movementgoodsand services to their destinations.Unarguably, astrongcommunications network allows a rapid and free flow of information, helping to ensurebusinesses can communicate and make timely decisions.

Thus, all theseinfrastructuralprojects requiring engineering skillswhen implementedare advancements that will engineer the diversificationthe Nigerian economy.

3.4PrioritizingEngineeringpractice/ professionin the national developmental planNigeria should promotethe participation of engineers in politics to foster national development. The involvement of Engineers inthe politicaldispensation of Nigeria will allow themto join in Engineeringdecisionsand policymaking.(Akingbagbohun, 2018).

At alllevels,Engineersuse their professional knowledge to attract and defend important engineering infrastructural development projects. They also contribute to the enhancement of the welfare of other engineers thereby motivating them for increased productivity for national development (Onipede, 2010).

Similarly, Nigeria should institutionalize the integration of all native engineers into public service where most of the engineering development projects wouldbe conceptualized, designed, supervised, evaluated and certified. These engineers will ensure thatprojects are executed according to specificationsand make necessary input towards procurement and implementation of projects.The overall benefit to the Nigerian economy will be the reduction of risk and cost of projectsdesign and executionwith the use of indigenous manpower and expertise.

4.Conclusion Technological advancement is a pivotaldriver of economic diversification. Economic diversification throughtechnologicalEngineeringdevelopment can be realized through the emergence of practical and skill-basedengineering education,infrastructural development and adequate engagement of theengineering workforce. More so, Engineers mustplay astronger role in the public policymakingprocess to provide thefacilitating environment andright incentivesto sustaineconomic diversification.The economic transformation agenda, otherwise known as Nigeria’sVision2020, sets the direction for the current industrial policy in Nigeria.




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