generator set synchronising and paralleling

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Generator synchronisation is the process of matching parameters such as voltage, frequency, phase angle, phase sequence and waveform of alternator (generator) or other source with a healthy or running power in an alternating current electric power system.


Posted By Olaitan Elizabeth Ogunshina { follow user } 6 years ago 8/3/2018 12:15:04 PM in Electrical { follow category }



When two generators are to be paralleled the voltages on either side of the paralleling circuit breaker must be matched. This matching process is called “synchronising”.

To synchronise two generators, three parameters of the voltage across the open paralleling circuit breaker must be controlled:

  • The voltage magnitudes
  • The frequency of the voltages
  • The phase angle between the voltages

Generator paralleling control systems normally utilise automatic synchronisers to control these parameters. The automatic synchroniser controls the engine governor (speed and frequency) and the alternator voltage regulator (voltage magnitude). When both generator output voltages are in synchronism the automatic synchroniser parallels the generators by closing the paralleling circuit breaker.


A maximum voltage magnitude difference of 0.5% is recommended. If the voltage magnitude is not matched reactive power (kVARs) may flow between the two generators. A maximum frequency difference of 0.1Hz is recommended. If the frequency is not matched active power (kW) may flow between the two generators. A maximum phase angle difference of 10 degrees is recommended. If the phase angle of the voltages is not matched, active power (kW) may flow between the two generators.


Wadgare Isa 5 years ago 11/6/2018 1:46:26 AM

Simple and comprehensive summary, very educative and enticing

1 0

Wadgare Isa 5 years ago 11/6/2018 1:46:26 AM

Simple and comprehensive summary, very educative and enticing

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Akin Ayeni 6 years ago 8/31/2018 4:55:47 AM

Generators and public utility power can also be synchronized. But, the parameters mentioned above must be fulfilled before that can take place.One is considered as a Master/Primary which is the running source, the other(s) as Slave(s)/Secondary. Parameters on Slave must match with the Master for synchronisation to work.

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Paul Ugochukwu Ezeilo 6 years ago 8/19/2018 3:07:37 AM

The above displayed generator, does it require hardware synchronization or is this done via online only?

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Ibrahim Abubakar 6 years ago 8/11/2018 11:51:49 PM

Also phase sequence and wave form must be the same. Although these two parameters are fixed by the construction of the generator and it connection to the system. A wrongly connected phase sequence will cause voltage opposition which will lead to short circuit

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