south- east zonal induction

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Posted By ABDULAZEEZ ATTAHIRU { follow user } 3 years ago 9/2/2020 4:11:22 AM in Industrial { follow category }


2.A Cursory Assessment Of Nigerian Technological AdvancementOne of the guidesby which a nation’s growth and advancement can be assessedis by herlevel of utilizationoftechnological endowment and not by the level of her endowment in natural and human resources. Isioto et al., (2017)stated that anation’s economic efficiency is determined, measured, compared, classified and ranked by its technologicaladvancementin engineering. The authors further proffered thesequestionsas a check of lack oftechnological advancement in Nigerian:

(1) Is the nation able to produce heavy-duty equipment such as tractors, lathe machines, drilling machines, cars, trains, and other equipment for executing her capital projects?

(2) Is she having the technological knowhow to explore and exploit her natural environmentor rather depends on foreign technology and expertise to undertake the exploitation of her natural environment?

(3) Does she export her unfinished products to other countries abroad?

(4) Is she dependent on other countries for the supply of her spare parts for industrial machinery?

(5) Is her agriculture mechanized or crude implements are still used for agricultural activities by a large percentage of those who are involved in agricultural production?

(6) Is she able to produce her military hardware with which to defend herself if the need arises?

A perfunctoryassessmentof Nigeria reveals that all the elementson the specificationabove are not assentingto the situationin this country. Thus, Nigeria as a country has a problem ofpoor utilization of existing resources and manpower towards the achievementofthe desiredtechnological engineering advancementas a prerequisite for her economic diversification.

3.NurturingNigerian Economic Diversification through apt exploitation of Technology in Engineering

3.1RepositioningengineeringeducationDiversification of an economy requiresa properly plannededucational system. Harnessingengineering education involves preparing thestudents broadlywithknowledge of new technologiesthrough engineering skills profession.

According to Ekpobodo (2014),Engineers are visional people who create things by making use of technology to integrate our environment and developing oneself and others.Engineeringeducation plays a vital role insustainable development by creatingsoundlearning environments for studentsas well as stocksthemwith the desired knowledgein practice rather than theorytoeffectively attractindustrial revolution. Nigerian should be proactive in harnessing engineeringenterprisethrough empowermentsandattracting talented young men and women to acquire engineering educationand providing them withskillsadopted for the apparent and future society(Robinson, 2011).

Importantly, competition in the global economy market among the developed and developing countries is a majorstake asevery leader want her country to be seen as the best economy in the world. Standard Technological Engineering educationplaysa vital role in economicdevelopment. Some countries like China, United Arab EmirateSingapore Malaysia, etc.have witnessedinfrastructures constructed by engineers as the major transformation factor for their development,transforming theirentire countryintobusinesshubswith multinational companies and tourist coming in everyday.

Thiscreatedjob opportunitiesandreduced unemployment rates.As Nigeria’spopulation increasesgeometrically by the day, there is the need to rightfully train engineers whocan create and develop products and system that will improve safety andquality of life for the people (Robinson, 2011).



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