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This is the steps to take before you can power up an electrical or electronic equipment for your safety and that of the equipment. It is necessary to observe all these procedure that you may live to work tomorrow or that you will not burn the equipment that will lead to your sack.
Posted By CHINONYEREM GEORGE UGWU { follow user } 6 years ago 8/25/2018 1:22:12 AM in Electrical { follow category }
Safety is most important part and procedure to saving the live of any person and any equipment so observe it. It will be most good you obtain training and certification as well.
As an engineer in electrical and electronics you need the following certifications
Electrical Safety for Technicians & Supervisors
Electrical Safety for Employees Basic
Electrical Safety Hazards and Controls
Focus Four: Electrocution Hazards
Fall Protection Program
Roland Osazuwa Aibangbee 5 years ago 5/21/2019 10:18:16 AM
Benjamin Augustine 6 years ago 12/1/2018 3:10:59 AM
Useful tip
Ibrahim Abubakar 6 years ago 9/20/2018 9:13:40 AM
It's a very useful one, i witnessed a situation where a non technical chief executive of a company went to USA and bought 110 volts equipment, the installer blew it off because he did not check the equipment nominal voltage against the available voltage in Nigeria. Thank you for the post, Technologist Ugwu
response 6 years ago 9/20/2018 9:16:05 AM
You're welcome, I appreciate your comments
Edowobielang Ichukwu Apochi 6 years ago 9/20/2018 7:37:27 AM
Your flowchart is excellent and clear
response 6 years ago 9/20/2018 7:48:43 AM
AHMAD MUHAMMED YABAGI 6 years ago 9/19/2018 4:01:04 AM
These are very useful safety tips
response 6 years ago 9/21/2018 7:48:08 AM
Thank you